Power Trip Portable Weight Training Equipment

The Challenge

Limitations in hotel facilities and travel schedules make exercise while travelling extremely difficult. Late at night or in unfamiliar surroundings, outdoor aerobic exercise is limited. Weight training requires heavy and bulky equipment that is not travel-friendly.

A solution to the travel exercise problem needed to be packable, weigh less than two pounds, and provide a full body workout.

The Process

The frequent travellers we worked with expressed the most interest in upper-body weight training while on the road. They wanted something that mimicked what they use in the gym, but packable in a carry-on bag.

We also found that the hotel room was the epicenter of activity for our users, who were often uncomfortable in the hotel gym and mentioned late-night schedules that kept them from wanting to leave the comfort of their rooms.

We experimented with a variety of handle shapes and resistive materials and tested them with the users, who compared them with the equipment they were used to. The winning style was very similar to permanent equipment, but made of lightweight materials.

The Solution

The Power Trip equipment has durable plastic handles that are lightweight and wrapped in comfortable rubber grips. The high-tension elastic bands are thrown over or under a door, which secures the padded anchor when closed.

The equipment allows a wide variety of exercises, from bicep and chest work to lat pulldowns and abdominal crunches. Resistance is adjustable by increasing or decreasing the doubled-thickness portion of the loop, giving a solid workout to the user.

The Benefits